


Taiwan's National Sustainable Development Goal 7 aims to "ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all." This includes advancing modern and sustainable energy services, promoting energy-efficient systems, and increasing the use of clean fuels such as renewable energy and natural gas for power generation. In pursuit of this goal, the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) is dedicated to promoting green energy development in agriculture to enhance the rural economy and agricultural growth through renewable energy sources like solar power.

However, progress has been challenged by several factors, such as rising land rental costs, which decrease farmers' willingness to engage in business operations. Additionally, the current participation model lacks sufficient farmer engagement. To address these issues, it is crucial to learn from the experiences of advanced countries in agricultural green energy and refine our regulations accordingly.

The 2024 International Conference on Green Energy in Agriculture focuses on the themes of "Policy and Legal Framework for Land Development in Agricultural Green Energy." The conference will also cover sub-themes such as "Enhancing Social Acceptance of Agricultural Green Energy," "Spatial Planning for Agricultural Green Energy,” and "Landscape Management of Agricultural Green Energy Facilities." Domestic and international experts will gather to discuss changes in national policies and regulations, reasons for adjustments, implementation results, and the ongoing challenges in promoting agricultural green energy.


田島誠 研究員 <br> Mr. Makoto Tajima, Senior Researcher
Mr. Jordan Macknick
Lead Energy-Water-Land Analyst,
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Department of Energy.
United States
賽·基肖爾·拉維 教授<br>Dr. Sai Kishore Ravi, Assistant Professor
Dr. Alessandra Scognamiglio
Italian National Agency for New Technologies,
Energy and Sustainable Economic Development,
蔡緒良 副處長<br/>Mr. Hsu-Liang Tsai, Deputy Director
Mr. Christian Doedt

Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies,
雷斯蒙德·雷亞諾 教授<br>Dr. Resmond L. Reaño, <br>Assistant Professor
Dr. Chen-Fa Wu
Department of Horticulture, National Chung Hsing University,
雷斯蒙德·雷亞諾 教授<br>Dr. Resmond L. Reaño, <br>Assistant Professor
Dr. Ying-Feng Chen
Department of Public Administration and Management, Chinese Culture University,
Dr. Hui-Chuan Yu
Research Division III, Taiwan Research Institute on Water Resources and Agriculture,


r ※The organizer and implementer reserve the right to make final modifications, changes, interpretations, or cancellations of this event. Any related updates will be announced on the conference website without further notice.